The Isometric Diet and Stable Wellness

By Protica Research Staff Writer

The isometric notion has been a part of the health care language for decades. The most average application of the term, until now, has been concerning physical exercise. Taken from the Greek root word Iso, meaning identical, the familiar term Isometric exercises involves applying equivalent weight to realize strength goals.

Fairly of late, wellness researchers have exposed another pioneering application of the isometric notion in the wellness care field: nutrition. These researchers have acknowledged that an isometric approach to diet - a.k.a. the "Isometric Diet" -- can lead to health improvement.

The Isometric Diet, which provides the rational footing for the Zone Diet, has speedily gained respect from the wellness and nutrition population since it applies this clear "balance" lens to the rather puzzled, often misinformed world of dieting. Formed by Dan Duchaine in the mid 90s, and evolved by researchers, for instance, Dr. Barry Sears (founder of the Zone Diet), the Isometric Diet is an eating regimen that calls for a balanced share of protein, low-glycemic carbohydrates, and very important fatty acids.

The balanced proportion is the outcome of an total awareness that the human body does not unavoidably desire, or require, all types of micronutrients in all situations. Although carbohydrates, proteins, and fats do provide the necessary building blocks of human existence, not all sources of each are optimal in all circumstances.

The Isometric Diet hence takes a holistic approach to eating, and incorporates both macronutrient and micronutrient sources of energy. This goes clear of clearly balancing proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In its place, an optimal balance is achieved on a deeper level one that leads to perfect body functioning, normalized blood-glucose levels, a controlled metabolism, and a healthy satiating of hunger.

This optimal balance, and particularly the point in percentage to healthily satiating hunger, is in total contrast to various "fad diets", which seek to artificially repress hunger. This potentially harmful suppression repeatedly forces eaters to experience a weakened immune system, bone density loss, and other adverse consequences of malnutrition.

The Isometric Diet is founded upon five integrated values: balance protein variety, unsaturated fats, low glycemic carbohydrates, and awareness of food priority.

Principle One: Balance. The Isometric Diet recognizes the fact that the human body functions at its best while it is fueled by a balanced micronutrient percentage of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.[i] The optimal proportion for these three is 1:1:1, or the identical number of calories from proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Principle Two: Protein Diversity. The human body responds in a different way to dissimilar sources of protein.[ii] For example, a post-exercise meal that consists of quick-assimilating whey protein shall have a additional beneficial wellness impact than an intake of caseinate or soy protein. The Isometric Diet therefore promotes a mix of protein intake to seek an amino acid balance, and to decide the most suitable assimilation swiftness for optimal wellness.

Principle Three: Unsaturated Fats and MCT's. The Isometric Diet acknowledges that the human body processes saturated fats differently from mono- and polyunsaturated fats.[iii] Furthermore, the diet exploits the fact that there are a quantity of fats, called Medium Chain Triglycerides or "MCTs", which are shorter chains of 8-10 fatty acids. These MCT chains are shorter, absorb rapidly, and digest extremely easily. The effect is a more efficient digestive system and better results through less effort.[iv]

Principle Four: Low Glycemic Carbohydrates. Healthy eaters are swiftly adopting the Isometric Diet's promotion of carbohydrates that do not stimulate the blood-sugar to rise. Dieters can therefore use the "glycemic index" (GI) as an intelligent way to measure the body's insulin response to a given food and to observe the intake of "good" carbohydrates.[v]

Principle Five: Awareness of Food Priority. The Isometric Diet is aware that there are naturally occurring micronutrients found in food that supplements, typically, cannot engineer. As such, the Isometric Diet does not advise an eating schedule that incessantly replaces food with supplements. Rather, a controlled diet that is fortified by scientifically planned supplements is largely useful.[vi] This is particularly vital in a especially speedy paced world where eating a complete meal can be quite a challenge. In such cases, the Isometric Diet approves of the supportive value of supplements - provided that such supplements are formed in light of the above four philosophies.

One such supplement that has been engineered inside the framework of these principles, and that is receiving positive praise in the health care field, is called Isometric, formed by Pennsylvania-based Protica, Inc. Hence named to reflect its balanced composition and support of the Isometric Diet principles, Isometric is a third-generation supplement that provides a complete spectrum of macro- and micronutrients.

Of bigger importance to most health-conscious eaters, nonetheless, is Isometric's balanced micronutrient breakdown. Every all-natural 3-fluid-ounce serving - which can be correctly used as a meal substitute -- delivers 25 grams of low-glycemic carbohydrates, 25 grams of protein, and 10 grams of unsaturated, highly-bioavailable essential fatty acids. Of additional value to dieters is Isometric's modest 300-calories per serving.

The path to perfect eating balance is an embryonic one. The further information that nutritional science uncovers, the more useful shall be the resulting eating regimen.


[i] Source: "Balancing Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates". With respect to Network.

[ii] Source: "Picking Your Protein". C-

[iii] Source: " Diet for a Healthy Heart". WebMD.

[iv] Source: "MCT: Do They Really Make it Easier to Lose Weight?".

[v] Source: "Study Shows Benefit from "Good-" Carb Diet". MSNBC.

[vi] Source: "Dietary Supplements No for Diet". CNN. - 31905

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A Look at Protein and its Impact on Endurance Sports

By Protica Research Staff Writer

Endurance Sports are like music concerts. They start at a low indispensable, setting a regular rhythm and close into a climax that enthralls the spectator and the athlete. And not unlike an orchestra, endurance demands a faultless performance from each organ, testing the bounds of their resilience. As each system, conducted by the human |will, endures a speed bordering on fatigue, the athlete begins to hear music from the heart. What's repeatedly neglected, and thought-about unnecessary, inside endurance sports could be a high-protein diet that may expand the aerobic capacity and power the performance.

To keep up effort and delay fatigue, the body needs an ample provide of oxygen and fuel while not accumulating waste products, acids, or heat. Bigger the intensity of the workout, greater is the efficiency necessary. The capacity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the fuel stores inside the muscle, the hepatic and renal support systems must all expand exponentially to perform inside endurance sports. If any of those prerequisites are not met, the inner milieu becomes uneasy. Metabolism retards, to allow excretion of wastes, acids and heat, as fatigue sets within. The aerobic stress of endurance sports provides the required stimulus for progression. The body is ready to build. All that is needed are the building blocks -- the Proteins.

Given an adequate and proper supply of proteins, the body remains in a state of positive nitrogen balance. Sufficient protein use, together with a high-energy diet also influences the carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Inside the well-fed state, with satisfactory physical activity, dietary proteins provoke the simultaneous delivery of the growth hormone and insulin. The joint hormonal influence redirects dietary carbohydrate and fat to the aerobic muscle fibers where they are stored as fuels for exhausting workouts. The ensuing increase inside muscle stores of glycogen and lipid allows sustained activity for an extended time. With an adequate amount of proteins, the lean body mass, stamina and performance intensification during the training program.

Proteins and amino acids as well directly supply between one-percent to six-percent of the energy demands throughout a workout. The share of energy derived from proteins grows with the intensity of the exercise. Given their role in bodybuilding, proteins are also important for use as fuel and efforts should be created to attenuate this relation. Studies by Bowtell and Tarnopolsky, report that a high-energy (carbohydrate) diet, while pooled with a generous protein intake and hydration, includes a protein sparing end result under aerobic conditions. However, while the protein intake is insufficient, the high-energy diet fails to safeguard proteins from being used up as fuel. Hence, endurance athletes need to confirm high levels of protein intake not only to produce amino acids for development, however as well to make certain that the amino acids do not get burnt up as fuel.

Endurance athletes need proteins however do they need protein supplements? The solution, until recently, was negative for recreational and modest athletes. Protein supplements were advised solely for professional athletes and for sportspersons with a diet deficient inside proteins. Nevertheless, these recommendations, based mostly on a parameter referred to as 'nitrogen balance', have regularly been questioned. Young and Bier suggest that there exists a delicate state of protein insufficiency, called the 'accommodative' state, where an inadequate protein intake is masked by the breakdown of body proteins. Measurements based mostly on nitrogen balance do not take the accommodative state into consideration and consequently are not accurate enough to estimate protein requirements. Mark Tarnopolsky, within a current examination on Protein Needs within Endurance Athletes, also raises similar questions.

Epidemiological studies, by McKenzie and others, also put forward that the dietary protein intake of up to 20% of athletes may be below levels recommended for sedentary individuals. After that, there's customarily the unclear quality and absorbability of a dietary protein. Simply eating proteins within diet will not ensure that they shall provide all the essential amino acids within adequate amounts. Given the vital function that proteins play in the metabolic and physiological response to aerobic stresses of endurance sports, and therefore the doubts on the subject of dietary protein intake, a protein supplement like Profect, will go a protracted distance in improving performance.

Sufficient training and a Profect diet shall push endurance to its limits, to heights where aerobic metabolism encourages the release of enkephalins, the human equivalent of opium. These enkephalins generate the natural high that is often called the 'flow'. So long as metabolism remains aerobic, the mind is flooded with enkephalins and the systems function in harmony. Inside 'stream' capability looks endless and fatigue non-existent. Profect, the perfect protein bullet will do that for you.


1. Tarnopolsky M.:Protein Requirements for Endurance Athletes Nutrition 200420:662- 668.

2. McKenzie S, Phillips SM, Carter SL, Lowther S, Gibala MJ, Tarnopolsky MA:Endurance exercise training attenuates leucine oxidation and BCOAD activation during exercise within humans. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2000278:E580

3.Bowtell JL, Leese GP, Smith K, et al. Result of oral glucose on leucine turnover within human subjects at rest and during exercise at two levels of dietary protein.J Physiol 2000525(pt 1):271

4. Young VR, Bier DM, Pellett PL. A philosophical basis for increasing current estimates of the amino acid requirements within adult man, with experimental support. Am J Clin Nutr 198950:80 - 31905

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Cost Of Lap Band Surgery Can Be Prohibitive

By Sara Guppy

If you are researching ways to lose weight as a last resort, this method may be exactly what you were looking for, but only if you can afford the surgery. Some insurance companies will cover the cost of lap band surgery, but if you don't meet certain requirements, you might need to find ways to pay for it out of pocket.

Some insurance carriers are changing their policies about allowing either partial or full payments for these procedures. Plan on anywhere from $15,000 to over $30,000 or even more, if you plan on having the procedure done in the US.

For anyone who will need to pay the entire cost on his own, overseas doctors offer lower prices in the under $6,000 range, but having this type of surgery out of the country is never recommended if you must return home quickly. No doctor would ever recommend air travel after this type of surgery. Once home, you will still need to find a doctor to handle your frequent follow up visits and monitor your progress.

One option would be to consider going overseas. Prices are usually $5,500 or so, but traveling home after this type of surgery is uncomfortable, if not downright painful. You will still need to find a surgeon back in the US who will be willing to handle all your follow up visits - which you will need to pay for. If complications arise, you may once again be stuck with the bill.

The surgery itself is pretty standard. The surgeon performs a basic laparoscopy, making small incisions he will use to insert a small camera and other instruments necessary to find and place the band in the appropriate spt at the neck of the stomach opening. In certain cases, however, the laparoscopy is either impossible to perform or too difficult to complete, so the surgeon is forced to use more invasive procedure needing a larger incision.

Recovery times will vary depending on how the surgery goes. At the very minimum, you will be sent home and to spend a week on bed rest even with the laparoscopic process. - 31905

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What are the Different Weight Loss Surgeries and the Associated Risks Involved with Each?

By Adriana Noton

With the increasing rates of obesity across the country, more people are looking for an effective method of losing weight. When traditional weight loss programs fail, overweight or obese people will consider weight loss surgery. There are a number of different weight loss surgeries available. The type of surgery chosen will normally depend on the person's health status and body type. Before selecting a particular type of weight loss surgery, it is important to be aware of the different kinds of procedures available and the risks involved with each.

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding (Lap-Band): This type of weight loss surgery is often chosen by those who are overweight or obese. A surgeon inserts an inflatable band around the top part of the stomach to create a small upper pouch. Saline is injected into the Lap-Band which creates restriction. This restriction helps an individual to consume less food which promotes healthy weight loss. A person will also feel fuller after eating less food. The Lap-Band can be adjusted using saline injected into an access port underneath the skin to regulate the amount of restriction. Risks associated with Lap-band surgery include: band slippage, leakage of the device or erosion of the band.

Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG): This type of surgery is often called stomach stapling. The surgeon uses surgical staples to divide the stomach into two sections. The top section is small which allows only a limited amount of food intake. There is a small opening where food passes from the top section to the lower section of the stomach. To inhibit stretching, a non-adjustable ring is placed around the small opening. Risks of the surgery include: staple line break down, suture tears and leaks.

Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD): With this kind of weight loss surgery, the surgeon removes a large section of the stomach. Once removed, the amount of food and stomach acid production becomes restricted. The small pouch that remains is attached to the end section of the small intestine. By doing so, the food passing through will bypass the other sections of the small intestine. This permits the calories and fat from the food to be sent directly into the colon where they will not be absorbed. The result of less fat and calorie absorption is weight loss. Removing a section of the stomach is quite an invasive procedure. The major risk associated with this procedure is there is a high risk of nutritional deficiencies.

Choosing to lose weight by having a weight loss surgery has become a popular choice for millions of people around the world. It is one of the fastest growing forms of weight loss methods in the United States. If you are obese and are considering weight loss surgery, it is important to learn about each surgery and the risks and benefits of each type of procedure. Consult with your physician or a weight loss surgeon to help determine which surgery is best for your particular situation. - 31905

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Risky Weight Loss Surgeries

By Jade Jackson

Making your weight loss plan work isn't an easy task and during this process you want to avoid any stress and problems. This is the reason why it may be a good idea to find some good weight loss supplement that works for you.

Right weight loss product can help you reduce your body weight and achieve your goal much faster and easier than using traditional methods and it's also much safer than quite commonly used weight loss method - weight loss surgery.

Usually 4 main types of surgeries are carried out where all of them can cause side effects and can be risky in general with a chance of causing serious damage to your body.

1. Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG). During this surgery stomach is stapled forming 2 parts where top part is smaller. Food passes to the bottom pouch through a small passage. Band is used to eliminate the stretching of this passage.

Risks of this surgery include band itself because it is prone to wearing and staple line which can break down causing the leakage of stomach juice into abdomen causing additional health problems.

2. Laparoscopic Gastric Banding (Lap-Band). This device usually is used for patients who are 100lbs overweight. Inflatable band is placed around the upper part of the stomach and its size can be altered. This band is intended to be permanent.

Band slippage, vomiting and nausea are only few risks and side effects caused by this weight loss surgery.

3. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RGB). Purpose of this surgery is to help you eat less and to reduce the amount of absorbed nutrients by the small intestine. It is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach by stapling it where smaller part is attached to the small intestine.

Risks and side effects include "dumping syndrome" where food moves too fast through the small intestine, nausea, sweating, diarrhoea, leaking, faintness and others.

4. Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD). Generally this surgery is complicated and is performed rarely. Size of the stomach is reduced by simply taking out a large part of it. It's done to help you eat less and to reduce the stomach acid production.

Weight loss surgery should be performed as a last resort or if previous attempts to lose weight have failed. There are much safer and generally better weight loss methods available. - 31905

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How Much Is The Cost Of Lap Band Surgery?

By Jessica Sharpe

The cost of lap band surgery as opposed to gastric by pass surgery in the United States is generally ranges anywhere from about eleven thousand to twenty five thousand dollars US for lap band. For gastric by pass, it may be as high as fifty to eighty thousand dollars, US.

Because the lap band procedure has many benefits over gastric by pass surgery, the appeal in the states for the procedure is high. This is reflected in the cost of lap band surgery, higher demand means higher prices, generally speaking. The option generally leaves little scarring, is reversible, has much less risk of infections and a minimal hospital stay and this makes it a very desirable surgery. Unfortunately, that means that it also costs a great deal more.

Lap band surgery has increased in popularity against the gastric by pass for many more reasons. The health risks shown in gastric by pass, in addition to the invasive nature of the procedure, often involving cutting of the stomach or intestines make for an intimidating thought.

In most other countries that perform lap band surgery, the cost is much lower, even when factoring in the travel and accommodations. People often find that in addition to the high cost of gastric by pass, that the lap band procedure in the United States is still a bit out of their price range. This leads to most discovering that in traveling to Mexico or other places abroad, they can obtain the surgery at a much lower price. In Mexico, the cost of lap band surgery is much lower- the lowest cost seen at roughly five thousand dollars.

When looking into the cost of lap band surgery versus gastric by pass, another thing that people have noticed is that there are options apart from having the procedure done in the United States. There is a growing trend towards people engaging in what is known as "medical tourism", and this usually involves going to another country for their surgical needs.

While air travel is not usually included, many people find that medical tourism agencies have great options for procuring the lap band surgery in Mexico. Because the location is more near to the United States, and the prices for the surgery itself run lower, this has become a favorite location. These packages are pretty inclusive, usually containing lodging accommodations, pre-surgical testing and diagnostic screenings, the surgery itself, and the recovery care that will be needed for patients that are undergoing the procedure.

Because this procedure was only recently approved by the FDA for use in the United States, many people have begun to seek it out in other countries. In these countries, the surgery has been performed successfully and safely for a number of years already- this leads to the cost of lap band surgery being much lower in these places.

One of the things that may hold people back, apart from the cost of lap band surgery is safety. The thing to remember is, though the lap band surgery was only very recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in the United States, it has been safely and effectively used worldwide for many years prior to that. With a wide variety of payment options usually available, seeking out the lap band surgery in Mexico has become one of the best ways to go about it. - 31905

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The Benefits Of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery

By Sara Guppy

Many obese people are turning to a new form of gastric bypass surgery. Called mini gastric bypass surgery, this is a new way of helping patients lose weight. The operation is much cheaper than traditional bypass surgery and the recovery time is much less. As with the conventional surgery, the patient's stomach size is reduced.

After the stomach size has been reduced it will not be able to absorb large quantities of food. It will only absorb what it can ' the rest will bypass the stomach and intestine. If you are considered to be morbidly obese, then mini gastric bypass may be a viable option. The procedure is simple and you will recover very quickly.

This procedure is generally done with a laparoscope. The surgeon will make a small incision in the stomach wall. A laparoscope will then be inserted which will enable the surgeon to perform the bypass procedure. The size of your stomach will be made smaller so that it won't be able to absorb a lot of food.

This will help you lose weight. In addition to losing weight, your risk of other obesity associated diseases is greatly reduced. The mini bypass procedure is simpler because the reshaping of the stomach is done differently to the conventional operation.

The main advantage of the mini bypass procedure is that it can be reversed. If you are not comfortable with your new stomach, or if you become ill, your stomach can be returned to its previous form. If a woman has the mini procedure and becomes pregnant she will need to have the reversible procedure done.

As opposed to a full gastric bypass, the simpler procedure is completed in 30-40 minutes. If your doctor is satisfied with your recovery, you may even be discharged within 24 hours. This is because post-operative problems are less likely than with the conventional procedure.

Before undergoing a gastric bypass procedure, you should try other ways to lose weight. You should consult a nutritionist who can devise an eating plan for you. This will be designed to keep you well nourished while losing weight at a steady rate. A healthy diet and an exercise plan could be the answer.

Only as a last resort should bypass surgery be done. Your doctor will decide if you should follow this option. It is important for you to know that even after your surgery you will have to exercise and follow a healthy diet. Your smaller stomach will only help you eat less food. You will have to play your part in your quest to lose weight.

A main advantage of mini gastric bypass surgery is less side effects. One common side effect of mini surgery is dumping syndrome. This happens if food passes from your stomach to the intestine too fast. Symptoms of this are nausea, dizziness, or diarrhea.

As with any surgical procedure, you will need to consider all the pros and cons with your doctor before making a final decision to go ahead. It would also be a good idea to discuss any risks with the surgeon who will do the procedure. If all is well, a mini gastric bypass could be the answer to your weight problem. - 31905

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Why Travel For Your Mini Gastric Bypass?

By Justin Curruthers

The mini gastric bypass operation is a new and effective way to lose weight rapidly when other techniques have not worked. The procedure is straightforward and only takes around half an hour and requires an overnight hospital stay.

There are distinct advantages to the mini gastric bypass procedure: first it is not a painful procedure and has a quick recovery time; second, it can be easily reversed if this is required and third it has fast results. When you have had the procedure done your appetite diminishes and it takes less food to make your feel full. It is also considered a very safe procedure.

Cosmetic surgery procedures such as this are not generally covered by your health insurance and having the procedure done in the United States can be a very expensive process. Many people have to save their money or take out loans in order to have any kind of cosmetic surgery done in their own region.

So as to avoid high surgical fees, many people are now opting to have cosmetic surgery done in other countries. Cancun, Mexico is a popular destination for medical tourism thanks to its close proximity to the USA. Other locations that are becoming popular for cosmetic surgery include: Thailand, South Africa, Brazil and Peru.

In other countries you can find highly trained, qualified and experienced surgeons who will perform your surgery for a small percentage of what it would cost you to have it done in your own country. Many of these foreign surgeons are even members of the American Society for Plastic Surgeons and subscribe to extremely high medical standards of care.

There are several reasons that surgery costs less in these countries. Generally clinic fees and surgeons fees are much lower in these countries due to lower cost of living. These two fees are what makes up the lion's share of any cosmetic surgery's total cost. Also the amount of professional insurance that doctors and hospitals are charged tend to be much lower in other countries around the world.

Cosmetic surgery is becoming more affordable for Americans thanks to medical tourism operations to other countries. There are several website based businesses that will organize everything for you from the doctor to the flights. This makes contemplating overseas surgery much more viable as they have contacts with the best doctors, clinics, nurses and other medical staff in these countries.

If you are dissatisfied with your weight and you have tried other weight loss methods that just haven't worked, then you should consider undergoing a mini gastric bypass. Following your procedure you will lose weight quickly and be able to enjoy a healthier and more active lifestyle than the one you currently have. Being overweight brings many associated health problems and risks, you will be doing yourself a grand favor if you undergo the procedure in order to lose weight and improve your overall health. - 31905

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